Until We Meet Again....

Hi all:

Our dear book club has decided to curl up with a substantial book, and meet again in January 2014 to discuss.  With all of the excitement in our lives and the holidays looming, it seemed most prudent to choose a long one, enjoy it in our spare moments, and meet again when the chaos has subsided.  As such, the choice was made to read East of Eden by John Steinbeck. 

While East of Eden was not outright banned (unlike Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men) Steinbeck's language and forthrightness was difficult for his contemporaries to swallow.  That same language speaks to us -- calls us back time and again to his work -- almost universally, and acts as a potent reminder of the necessity of shared language in literary form.  In recognition of this necessity, seek out banned books (a good place to start is http://www.bannedbooksweek.org/ -- Toni Morrison's Beloved has come up time and again, almost as if by tradition)...read them...support their authors.  In doing so we help to carve out a literary space where thoughtfulness, creativity, self-expression, and shared experiences trump fear and conformity. 

Enjoy East of Eden and then join us on January 29th 2014 from 6p-8p...I am looking forward to getting to join in once again in the booze part of our club!

August Reading

Hi all:  So baby-brain consumed me and I COMPLETELY forgot to post this month's read.  Luckily for all of us, it is a brief and mesmerizing read: The Buddah in the Attic by Julie Otsuka.  Here is the NYTimes Review of Otsuka's work when it was first published.  Please enjoy and join us on Wednesday August 28th (lil' sis's birthday!) for discussion and libations from 6p-8p.

July Reading

Divisadero, by Michael Ondaatje, is a completely compelling and captivating read. If Mark Twain and Italo Calvino joined forces a work like Divisadero would be the concomitant result.  This book is like riding a massive river, at times crushing and then, moments later, serene.  Just read it....and then we will have a drink...Trust me, you will want one after this powerhouse! Wednesday July 30th from 6p-8p at Two Sisters.

June's Reading

I am perpetually drawn to stories of women who make their way in the worlds of wine, beer and spirits.  Even today the worlds of wine, beer and spirits betray a maschismo (or at least are normatively masculine) despite sincere attemtps to appear egalitarian.  As such, I am inspired by the character at the center of this month's reading: The Widow Clicquot: The Story of a Champagne Empire and the Woman Who Ruled It by Tilar J. Mazzeo.  Born to obscure parents, Barbe-Nicole Clicquot Ponsardin was widowed at the age of 27 with a small child to care for.  Without much in the way of resources, Ponsardin steers her family's fledging winery through the Napoleonic Wars and into history as the most well-know house of Champagne in the world.  Savoured by many and recognized by all Veuve (Widow) Clicquot is a household name, and now, thanks to Ms Mazzeo, we can know a little more about the woman who gave us this delicious indulgence.  Join us on Wednesday June 26th for a lively discussion and something bubbly!

May's Reading

A bit of fun fiction for our club this month!  In Liquor: A Novel by Poppy Z. follow Rickey and G-man as they turn their love of food and booze into a successful restaurant, against the back drop of the raucous underworld of New Orelans.  A delighful read with plenty of inspiriation, count on an interesting cocktail or two when we meet on Wednesday, May 29th from 6p-8p. 

April Reading

So a little bit about life before we get to the book: My sis got HITCHED! Yep, I was delayed in posting because I was busy with my baby sis's wedding.  It went off without a hitch and the bride and groom could not be happier.  No official pics yet, but here is a quick shot of the happy couple:


Now that that little moment of big sister pride is out of the way, we can get back to our reading :-) This month's reading is Practical Classics: 50 Reasons to Reread 50 Books You Haven't Touched Since Highschool by local author Kevin Smokler.  Smokler's prose is concise and to the point.  And his points are indeed well founded.  It is a quick and inspiring collection of essays, organized around the events of one's adult life and the books that can and perhaps should be read at those times.  I suggest skipping from section to section as interest, time and life events inspire.  Kevin will join us at our meeting to discuss :-) on Wednesday April 24th from 6p-8p.  Join us for a lively discussion and some delicious libations!

March Read

Short and sweet (or in this case, a lil' spooky :-)): Our Lady of Darkness by Fritz Leiber. A San Francisco horror writter finds himself in the midst of his own story -- is this his imagination playing with him or....? Join us to discuss Wednesday March 27th from 6p-8p.

February Read

A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore!

I'm so sorry for the delayed post, but rest assured it is an engaging and QUICK read! Come join on Wednesday February 27th from 6p-8p for a lively discussion and a surprise cocktail :-)


New Year, New Book!

Hi all:

January's read: Fighting Fire by Caroline Paul -- Paul writes of her unexpected career in the SF Fire Department with insight and passion.  Join us on January 30th from 6p-8p to discuss!